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Cold chain is mainly used for the transportation and storage of food, medicine, biological reagents, chemicals, and other items that are sensitive to temperature and humidity. Cold chain management not only requires controlling environmental temperature and humidity but also requires real-time monitoring and recording of temperature and humidity. Freshliance has launched a Fresh Tracker wireless temperature data logger, which uses 4G/2G and LBS base station positioning technology, which is very helpful for temperature and humidity monitoring and location tracking of cold chain transportation environments.

Freshliance Fresh Tracker can not only record real-time and historical temperature and humidity data throughout the logistics process but also provide real-time and historical location data based on LBS base station positioning. All data collected by the wireless temperature data logger will be uploaded to the cloud platform, which is easy to manage and track. Users only need to use the free APP or network platform provided by Freshliance to view the real-time temperature and humidity data of the cold chain and the real-time location of the logistics. If the ambient temperature and humidity are abnormal during transportation, the user will be notified through the LED indicators on the device and SMS/email from the platform or APP, so that the temperature and humidity of the cold chain transportation environment can be adjusted in a timely manner. The wireless temperature data recorder startup delay, recording interval, upload interval, alarm settings, device calibration, and other parameters can also be configured as needed through the APP.

The most important thing in the cold chain is to control the temperature and humidity within the appropriate range to ensure the quality and safety of the goods. With the Fresh Tracker wireless temperature data logger, users can remotely obtain real-time temperature and humidity data through our free APP and web platform, and take specified corrective actions to minimize losses, which can improve the effectiveness of cold chain management.
#coldchaintransportation #wirelessdatalogger #temperaturedatalogger
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Reference Id:#2254697
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