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Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger is used to monitor the temperature and humidity of the fruit storage environment. Managers can view and analyze temperature and humidity data and fluctuations at any time through the app, detect abnormalities in time, adjust the optimal environmental conditions, and ensure the quality and freshness of the fruit.

Different types of fruits have specific requirements for temperature and humidity. Fruit storage needs to be in a reasonable temperature and humidity environment to extend the shelf life and quality of the fruit. The Bluetooth temperature sensor launched by Freshliance has the characteristics of a small footprint, high accuracy, and long continuous working time. BlueTag T100/TH100 Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger can remotely configure parameters on the APP, view and analyze real-time temperature and humidity data, and filter data for a certain period of time, quickly understanding historical data, and making analysis more targeted, thereby improving the efficiency of vegetable cold chain management.

Temperature and humidity monitoring is very important for the storage and transportation of fruits. Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger is an important temperature management device in modern fruit warehousing and cold chain transportation. Freshliance temperature sensors can be used for the transportation and storage of fruits and other foods, medicines, vaccines, and the management of environmental temperature and humidity in laboratories and greenhouses to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
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Reference Id:#2428099
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