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Real-time temperature data logger is very suitable for indoor environmental temperature and humidity monitoring, such as laboratories, hospitals, refrigerators, warehouses, greenhouses, libraries, etc. Using 4G or WI-FI network, you can remotely use APP or PC platform to view data at any time to ensure that the environmental temperature and humidity meet the requirements.

Laboratories, hospitals, warehouses, greenhouses, etc. have very strict requirements for greenhouses, and large changes will affect the quality of items or experimental results. Freshliance's COEUS Series real-time temperature data logger can effectively and accurately collect environmental temperature and humidity, upload to the cloud server, and managers can filter and analyze data through APP or PC platform, and can remotely receive abnormal alarms through SMS, email and platform, and can make timely adjustments to ensure the quality and safety of items.

Wireless temperature data logger can help managers understand real-time data, detect abnormalities in time, and make reasonable adjustments according to changes in environmental temperature. Freshliance real-time temperature data logger is widely used in laboratories, hospitals, warehouses, greenhouses, refrigerators, data centers, etc., and is reasonably laid out according to different space sizes, centralized management, and improves overall management efficiency.
#temperaturedatalogger #temperaturemonitoring #realtime

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Reference Id:#2488941
Phone Number:8615517160690


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