Price: 590.00 ₹


The term Ashwaganda is derived from "Ashwa," meaning "horse" in Sanskrit, and "Gandha," meaning "smell," which explains the strong scent of the root.Ashwagandha is widely recognised as the 'indian winter cherry' or "indian ginseng' as one of the main principles of the ancient Indian medicine.The roots of Ashwagandha, is powerful aphrodisiac, diuretic, antimicrobial, nonoxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic.This powder has an infinite list of advantages. Leucoderma, constipation, sleeplessness, rheumatism, nerve breakdown, gastro-intestinal tract and other diseases are the most common uses of powder.
Though bitter in flavour, ashwagandha leaves are rich in iron and can be taken as herbal tea. They can help to relieve symptoms such as anaemia and high time blood loss. In a glass of milk, one spoon of ashwagandha powder may be combined and some sweetness added. You should also incorporate cardamom to enhance the flavour, stimulate metabolism and increase digestion.

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