Stress- People who are worried about school, finances, work, or personal relations often find it difficult to sleep at night. Mental disorders- Patien...
Nux vomica 30 Despite significant safety issues, nux vomica is used to treat digestion disorders, heart and circulatory system disorders, eye ailments...
There is a widespread misperception that going to the gym or fitness centre is the only way to lose weight or become healthy. We, the Wizards of Welln...
Normally, slow metabolism is caused by thyroid problems. Boosting the thyroid hormone activity is possible with the right diet and exercise, according...
In Ayurveda, Ghee is considered to have many medical values. Ghee is also used as a carrier to induce the necessary herbs and their effect on the huma...
Dietitians have found that the food people eat has a profound effect on PCOS. Although there is no specific PCOS diet currently available, there may b...
The important role of nutrition in pregnancy is to ensure your baby grows and develops properly. During pregnancy, you need to consume 300 more calori...
Thuja 200 Warts, dizziness, fungus, and headaches are all symptoms of this herb. Thuja occidentalis is a homoeopathic remedy that is commonly used to ...
Nasha Mukti Kendra in Punjab a state bordering Pakistan, is the heart of India’s Sikh community. The city of Amritsar, founded in the 1570s by Sikh Gu...
The collagen powder can work like magic for you, as it has worked for some people. The collagen makes your skin tighter, wrinkle-free, and gives it th...