
Real-time data loggers can be used to monitor temperature, humidity, position, vibration, and light in real-time during the transportation of many sensitive items such as food, medicine, and chemicals. You can remotely understand the real-time changes in data to ensure the quality and safety of the items.

Fresh Tracker 10 is an IOT data recorder that can collect data 24 hours a day and upload data to the cloud using 4G/2G networks. Users can directly view real-time and historical data remotely through an APP or PC, with advanced data analysis, filtering, alarm and other functions, saving time and effort. In addition, users can receive data on abnormal environmental changes through APP, email, and SMS, so they can discover problems in time, make adjustments, and improve the efficiency of logistics and transportation environment management.

Freshliance Tracker 10 real-time data recorder can monitor temperature, humidity, position, vibration, light and other data in real time. You can choose an external probe, which is suitable for real-time monitoring and recording of data in global logistics and transportation, reducing costs and improving efficiency.

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Reference Id:#2438577
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