03/12/2021 Other Classes
During all my Coach Training Programs, almost everytime, I have atleast one person asking me ‘How much time does it take to become a good coach?” I smile, while I respond in the form of another question. “How much time does it take to be a good father?” How much time does it take to be a good sister?”, “How much time does it take to be a good teacher? Or for that matter, any other plays a crucial role in your life. I personally believe, that becoming a coach is a lifetime journey and takes a lot of effort to climb this mountain and reach the zenith. Had the question been “How much time does it take to do coaching?” my answer would be, “It takes 3-4 days” to learn how to coach with some basic competencies that could help in engaging with others, including active listening, asking questions, Building Rapport.
Acadmically Helps students find colleges or universities. Acadmically efficiently offers PhD programs and does not take a lot of time as it is designe...
Visualpath offers effective AWS DevOps Training led by real-time experts. Please take advantage of our AWS DevOps Online Training! And we provide it t...
Visualpath offers an effective Machine Learning Operations Training Program led by real-time experts. Please take advantage of our MLOps Online Traini...
Visualpath offers an effective Machine Learning Operations Training Program led by real-time experts. Please take advantage of our MLOps Online Traini...
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