01/11/2021 Technology
electronic signature is the most preferred way to sign all business documents in the current context and situation. It is also termed as esignature, e-signature, electronic signature, esignature software, esign tool, cloud esignature, cloud electronic signature software, SaaS esignature software, etc. Documents such as Mutual NDA, Agreements, Partner Agreements, Software License Agreement, Commercial Proposal, Vendor Onboarding docs, Employee Offer Letter, Employment Agreement, Freelance Agreement, etc shall be executed through esignature software.
Top 10 Features of CryptoESIGN electronic signature Software:
Sign with Ease: CryptoESIGN electronic signature is as simple as the user sign on a paper. It has self instruct feature that instruct & guides the user to sign with ease.
Multiple Signature types: CryptoESIGN electronic signature software has options to sign the way user is interested. User shall be able to upload soft signature or sign with stylus or insert font driven signature.
Multi-party signature: Business document signing usually happens with multiple party involvement such as internal stake holders or external signing authorities. CryptoESIGN electronic signature software provision esigning of multiple signing authority, with out much challenge.
Workflow: CryptoESIGN electronic signature, its equally important that the document shall flow in sequential way to get esign as required by business. Paperless Workflow is all that is expected from the electronic signature software to make it more convenient and independent of administrative task such us inperson follow-up.
Widely used soft copy format: Accommodating of basic soft copy formats such as Microsoft Document and PDFs are critical for the usage of electronic signature software. These are two widely used soft copy format files to sign, scan, share & store signed docs
Comply to Security Standards: Business documents are confidential in nature, while these docs travel electronically to have esignature, the electronic signature software shall have either 256 Bit Encryption or used Secure Hash Algorithm or AES encryption methodology to avoid any sort of misuse or unauthorised access.
Two Factor Authentication: Signing parties shall get authorised access, that means, the software shall stop unauthorized access. While accessing confidential docs through electronic signature, the initiator and authorized signatories shall get second level authentication code to access such docs.
Better User Experience: One shouldn’t ignore the importance of the “User Experience”. Past 4-5 years, all the apps and applications have focused more on enticing users with user experience. Although electronic signature is not a business critical application however user’s time is always precious to complete the signing process without loosing much time or toggling between pages / screens. Now-a-days users are looking forward for more simplified applications that accomplishes activities without much technical team’s intervention.
Dashboard: Its always important to have a birds view on the status quo through dashboard. How many docs executed, under process, completed, etc are important to understand for the organization.
Mobile App: Users are preferring to access enterprise applications via their smart phones. Majority of the users are either Android or iOS mobile operating users. Hence mobile app of electronic signature application is expected by default.
CyprtoESIGN is one such cloud based electronic signature softwares. It has much more features than mentioned in this blog. For more details, sign-up for free to explore all such features for your organization. CryptoESIGN has adopted "Security First" approach while developing this electronic signature software. CryptoESIGN implemented a robust security & protect layer across all transactions. CryptoESIGN is secured, trusted and legally valid per IT ACT 2000.
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