Price: 599.00 US$

Description, in partnership with Global Manager Group, is offering a user-friendly ISO 27001 Documentation toolkit designed to meet the latest ISO 27001:2022 ISMS requirements. The toolkit includes a set of ready-to-use templates, including an ISO 27001 Manual, 29 information security system policies, 20 procedures, 9 standard operating procedures, process flow charts, 49 forms for record-keeping, 16 filled forms, an audit checklist, 10 job descriptions, a sample MRM, a sample gap assessment report, a filled sample risk sheet, a filled Statement of applicability (SOA), and an ISO 27001:2022 compliance matrix. These documents are suitable for both small and large IT organizations and can save time and cost in the documentation process, ensuring ISO 27001:2022 certification.

To know more, visit here:, in partnership with Global Manager Group, is offering a user-friendly ISO 27001 Documentation toolkit designed to meet the latest ISO 27001:2022 ISMS requirements. The toolkit includes a set of ready-to-use templates, including an ISO 27001 Manual, 29 information security system policies, 20 procedures, 9 standard operating procedures, process flow charts, 49 forms for record-keeping, 16 filled forms, an audit checklist, 10 job descriptions, a sample MRM, a sample gap assessment report, a filled sample risk sheet, a filled Statement of applicability (SOA), and an ISO 27001:2022 compliance matrix. These documents are suitable for both small and large IT organizations and can save time and cost in the documentation process, ensuring ISO 27001:2022 certification.

To know more, visit here:

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Reference Id:#2421987
Phone Number:7929795322


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