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How can the same person play differently in 10 seconds?
Here is an interesting story by Joseph O’ Connor that he shared at Coaching Matters. When he used to tutor people with their guitar, he noticed conspicuous behaviour among his professional guitarist students. He would sit in a session, and notice that the student is playing very poor. But, when he would step out for a few seconds for a coffee break, he would hear them play beautifully in his absence.

So, what’s happening with that person. The competence cannot change to a great extent in just a few seconds.

This happens often with performers.

And, that is because the person is dealing with some kind of an internal opponent or self consciousness or mental model that impeded their real skill.

This brings us to raise one’s ability as a coach to help people express themselves in any situation possible and most importantly during difficult situations.

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Reference Id:#1793245


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