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Warehousing is used for the storage of food, medicine, chemicals, and other items. Many items are sensitive to temperature and humidity, so warehousing generally requires temperature and humidity control and temperature and humidity monitoring. Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger is very suitable for warehouse temperature and humidity monitoring. It can realize real-time understanding of warehouse temperature and humidity changes through mobile apps, detect abnormalities in time, and make temperature adjustments.

The BlueTag TH30 Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger developed by Freshliance has the characteristics of a small footprint, stable operation, and high accuracy. By connecting the device through the Tkeeper APP provided by Freshliance, you can remotely read real-time temperature and humidity data and historical data on the free APP at any time. Some storage spaces are large. To better monitor the ambient temperature and humidity, multiple Bluetooth temperature humidity sensor are required to monitor and record at the same time. The Freshliacne Bluetooth temperature recorder can connect to countless mobile APPs, and one mobile APP can connect to countless devices. The linkage is stronger and can improve the efficiency of warehousing environment management. The Bluetooth temperature humidity sensor can connect to gateway devices as needed to adapt to more application environments.

Currently, the Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger provided by Freshliance is widely used in warehouses, hospitals, museums, laboratories, wine cellars, and other places. It can accurately monitor and record environmental temperature and humidity with high accuracy. It can be viewed and generated through the mobile phone during the entire working process. Humidity report, easy to operate and cost-effective.
#temperaturehumidity #Bluetooth #warehousing

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Reference Id:#2294692
Phone Number:8615517160690


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