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Temperature humidity data logger can be used for environmental temperature and humidity monitoring in cold chain management, laboratories, hospitals, greenhouses, museums, archives, etc. The BlueTag TH10 Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger launched by Freshliance uses advanced Bluetooth technology and sensor technology. It can use the APP to monitor and record the ambient temperature and humidity in real time. It operates stably and has high accuracy. It is very popular in the market.

BlueTag TH10 is a multi-purpose, configurable temperature and humidity data logger based on Bluetooth wireless communication technology, allowing users to more conveniently view real-time and historical data on the APP without unboxing. The Bluetooth temperature data logger temperature and humidity monitoring ranges are -30℃~+70℃ (Internal sensor), -40℃~+85℃ (External probe); 0-100%RH. The Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger has the following characteristics:
1. Remote data reading at any time
2. Free cloud data storage and synchronization service
4. Intelligent APP alarm
5. Filter data by date, normal/abnormal data
6. Gateway networking optional
7. Optional external probe
8. Each probe reads data independently

With the continuous improvement of Bluetooth temperature humidity data logger technology, its stability and accuracy have met industry standards. It can provide environmental temperature and humidity management efficiency in cold chains, hospitals, greenhouses, laboratories, etc. to ensure that the environmental temperature and humidity meet the requirements . Moreover, the Bluetooth temperature recorder provided by Freshliance is cheap, has guaranteed after-sales service, and has a very good reputation among users!
#bluetooth #temperaturehumiditydatalogger #datalogger #coldchain

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Total Views:42
Reference Id:#2272239
Phone Number:8615517160690


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