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Wireless Planning And Coordination (WPC) ETA - Approvals In India
Are you planning to import or manufacture wireless devices in India? If so, you'll need Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) approval. WPC is a regulatory body that oversees the manufacturing, importation, and use of radiofrequency equipment in India. Without proper certification from WPC, your products will not be allowed in the Indian market. In this blog post, we'll dive into everything you need to know about WPC approval - from its types to the requirements for obtaining it. So if you're interested in expanding your business into India's wireless industry, keep reading!

What is WPC-ETA?
Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) is a regulatory body in India that operates under the Ministry of Communications. The purpose of WPC is to manage the radio frequency spectrum, regulate wireless equipment, and monitor radio transmissions in India.

The organization's primary goal is to ensure that all wireless devices imported or manufactured in India are safe for use and do not interfere with other wireless communication channels. It also ensures that users have access to high-quality, reliable telecommunications services throughout the country.

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