
In the modern travel landscape, technology is indispensable for travel agents. Automated booking systems, internet platforms, and mobile applications streamline operations, providing quick access to real-time information. Technology enhances customer service, allowing personalized experiences based on preferences. It also aids marketing efforts, reaching a broader audience and promoting special deals.

Compliance with industry regulations and secure handling of sensitive data are ensured. Overall, travel technology products like booking engine, white label travel portal, travel CRMs are essential for travel agents to stay competitive, adapt to evolving demands, and deliver efficient, secure, and satisfying travel experiences to clients.

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As per the current market research, the global tourism market size is expected to record a CAGR of 3.7% from 2023 to 2032. In 2023, the market size is projected to reach a valuation of US$ 8,880 Billion. By 2032, the valuation is anticipated to reach US$ 12,314 Billion. ‘All-in-one-place’ online travel portal platforms have improved the user experiences to another level. According to Statista, OTA revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 10.8% over the next five years.

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