What is life purpose

23/03/2022 Others related

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The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”

Robert Byrne

How often do you wonder about life and the much greater aspect of the wonderful life we have? It’s true. We are born in this world (which is our only life as we are told) trying to understand our existence, our meaning, our purpose, often forgetting these are out beyond our comprehension. We ponder upon the several aspects of our existence thinking about what we actually are. Are we a cosmic miracle? And if we are, what is our mission?

We seek purpose and spend an eternity figuring out life. But in reality, even if you spend a million years trying to understand life or the meaning of life, you won’t be able to. Because life is so intricate that we will never be able to understand it entirely. It is only the pettiness of our thoughts that drives us to seek meaning since, without a sense of meaning and purpose in life, we feel disconnected from it. But there is no denying that many people believe the recipe of a perfect life is a life of purpose. So we seek a purpose to live a life of joy and meaning.

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