Price: 1500.00 ₹


Investing and finance books are considered to be one of the most valuable books in this period of inflation and layoffs. Most people don't have the right strategy for investing their money to get profitable outcomes. Due to a lack of financial knowledge, people suffer monetary instability. Along with this, people having businesses mostly failed to grow and develop with constant growth. Therefore, I would like to present some best books on investing and finance to escalate your knowledge and economic strategy. You can buy a huge collection of financial books through and embark on a valuable voyage of financial growth.
1. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
2. Common stocks and uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher
3. The little book of common sense investing by John C. Bogle
4. One up on wall street by Peter Lynch
5. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre

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