Price: 37000.00 ₹


“Warmy” a Dyausmed innovation is Blessing for those women’s who is suffering from shivering via cold gel during sonography test. Warmy is Committed to the patient who faces problem due to cold feeling. Warmy ultrasound Gel warmer Provide warmth and Comfort to the Patient
The effectiveness of the process and patient comfort are critical in the field of medical imaging and therapeutic therapies. A frequently disregarded element that has a substantial influence on both is the temperature of the ultrasonic gel used in these treatments. The use of cold gel may cause discomfort for the patient, which could impair imaging quality. Presenting the **Warmy Gel Warmer by Dyausmed Healthcare**, a tool that keeps gel consistently at the ideal temperature, improving patient comfort and medical results.

The Science of Gel Temperature
By acting as a conductive medium, ultrasound gel makes it easier for ultrasonic waves to go from the transducer to the patient’s body. The gel must maintain a certain viscosity, which is determined by its temperature, in order to function at its best. Gel that is too warm may become too fluid and may drop or evaporate more quickly, while gel that is too cold may become too thick and be difficult to apply uniformly.

Features of Dyausmed Warmy Gel Warmer
Dual gel bottle heating design
High-resolution color LCD display
Turbo mode for fast heating
Extremely low power consumption
Inbuilt handle for easy transportation
Wall mounting option
Anti‑skid design of stability

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Reference Id:#2393258
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