Vezlay Veg Chicken

06/12/2023 Food Items

Price: 130.00 ₹


There is a product that is pure veg and different from animal meat but the taste is totally the same. As we know for our good health we kill so many animals for that chicken meat but we forget that animals are also living things and they also have rights but we ignore it and take a taste of that chicken That is why animals get aggressive or harm us because they never feel safe here. there are so many disadvantages of eating non-veg for that problem here is the solution we will save animals and take the benefits:, protein, taste everything is the same or this will give you more satisfaction than non-veg. Vezlay Veg Chicken food is almost ready to eat you fry it for a minute and try it. It is the best substitute for non-veg.

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Reference Id:#2190722
Phone Number:07011736463


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