02/04/2024 Hospitals, Clinics
Do you need transportation that offers the newest amenities and care? Do you require a Cardiac Ambulance with the newest features?
You can quickly get in touch with Sri Balaji Ambulance Services in Khagaria, Bihar if you require an urgent road or need assistance moving a patient. It's a medical vehicle with all the amenities needed for care. The crew has extensive experience helping patients during medical transport. Sri Balaji Ambulance in Khagaria, Bihar that offers state-of-the-art medical amenities for patients.
!! For More Details Get in Touch with US !!
Sri Balaji Ambulance Service
Bailey Road Raja Bazar N. Paras Hospital Patna
Contact Number!
+91 8235561155
+91 9798848472
Email-id- info@sribalajiambulance.com
Web@:- https://www.sribalajiambulance.com/ambulance-services-in-khagaria/
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