Drinking lots of sweetened soda may increase the risk of developing chronic kidney disease, two new studies find. “Consumption of 500 milliliters [16....
Nothing chases away the college-cafeteria blues faster than preparing your own food. But make sure you handle it properly to avoid getting you and you...
The choices you make during your lunch hour can make — or break — your “bottom” line. Picking smart carb and calorie options will help keep your weigh...
The onset of the monsoon brings massive relief from the summer heat. But, apart from the pleasant showers, monsoon also brings various maladies. Every...
It happened without warning. Asha (name changed) wanted to get up from the bed after her afternoon siesta, but her body just wouldn’t move. With very ...
Since she was twelve, Neha (name changed) has suffered from chronic migraines. “I wake up almost every day with a low-level headache, and on most days...
Here’s a good reason for women to take a heart attack more seriously than they might: A new study shows that women are more likely to develop heart fa...
Feeling Tired All the Time? – Know the Causes and Remedies Why am I always tired? Why do I feel exhausted all the time? Why do I need an energy drink ...
Calorie labeling requirements for menus in U.S. restaurant chains could save tens of thousands of lives and billions of dollars in health care and oth...
You tested positive for COVID-19 and dutifully quarantined yourself for two weeks to avoid infecting others. Now, you’re feeling better and you think ...