19/11/2024 Alternative Treatments
IAFA AF-7 Tea is a unique Ayurvedic blend formulated by experts at the Institute of Applied Food Allergy®. It combines seven potent herbs, including Picrorhiza kurroa, Cissampelos pareira, Rubia cordifolia, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Acacia catechu, and Swertia chirata. This tea supports healthy skin by balancing Pitta and regulating Rasa-Rakta Vaha Srotas. Made with premium-quality herbs, it offers effective results without any side effects.
IAFA AF-7 Tea is a unique Ayurvedic blend formulated by experts at the Institute of Applied Food Allergy®. It combines seven potent herbs, including P...
IAFA Skin Detox Drops is a 100% natural, pure vegetarian formula designed to support healthy metabolism and skin wellness. Infused with Ayurvedic herb...
Looking for the perfect herbal face wash for healthy skin? Try De-Grease Face Wash by Planet Ayurveda! This 100% natural product is crafted by MD Ayur...
This Kit is developed by the experts of IAFA Ayurveda® by using natural ingredients like Shwet Kutaj, Shirish, Nimba, Karanj Beej, and Coconut Oil. It...
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