Price: 500033.00 ₹


The advantages of RMC are quite large, due to which it is quite popular amount the construction industry. These are:

1). Quality of RMC is great as the plants follow high-quality machines, tools and consistent methods to develop it.
2). Testing of materials and constant monitoring are followed under strict rules.
3). Due to defined processes and structure dust that was caused by cement has reduced as RMC uses the bulk of concrete rather than bags of cement.
4). Cement is saved thus helping in preserving energy and resources. Due to the reduced use of cement, industries have reduced their production so there is less pollution.
5). The result is more durable than the one you would get from using cement which increases the life of the structure.
6). Amount of human involvement is reduced in the RMC manufacturing process so it reduces the chance of errors or human mistakes. Also, the dependency on labour is reduced.
7). At the site, you need less storage or no storage space for raw materials. Due to this, there is no depreciation cost, and less or no equipment to hire.
It does have some disadvantages as well like RMC has a limited period during which it should be batched, mixed and cured, but there are some methods, using which one can increase the time of RMC.

RMC has garnered quite a popularity as the structures made out of this material has a lifespan of around 30 years even with high traffic so many industries are using it.

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Reference Id:#2009692
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