Price: 250.00 ₹


Stop. No! is based on true stories of Child abuse. It reflects & tells the disturbing tales of an Indian girl going through the horrific experiences of child abuse but is oppressed in the name of culture, tradition & family name. It portrays how well societal norms mould family norms. The plot of the book "Stop. No!" seems relatable, as most of us have faced similar kinds of issues that do not get any recognition, not even when it gets lethal. In the book, Drishika's mother, like any other mother, plays a role that can make or break her child. To know what she does, you will have to read the book. The book cries out the pain that most women & kids face. This book not only tells a story but also awakens our senses to observe our surroundings. It reveals the varied injustice that a woman undergoes even within the safe confines of their homes while being surrounded by their loved ones.

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Reference Id:#2004133
Phone Number:6909809836


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