Tripod Turnstile Manufacturers

15/02/2025 Other Services

Price: 110000.00 ₹


Regulate pedestrian movement with Tripod Turnstile
A Tripod Turnstile is a waist high mechanical gate used for regulating pedestrian movement in places like buildings, places of public transportation, parks or secured premises.

How Tripod Turnstile works:
Tripod Turnstile consists of three rotating arms or “tripods,” that rotate when activated through a valid access control authentication. The arms of the Tripod Turnstile generally rotate in one direction and reset after a person passes.

A person must present an authentication method, such as a proximity card swipe, QR code scan, fingerprint scan, or facial recognition to pass through a tripod turnstile.

Tripod Turnstiles can be easily integrated with an access control system and operated through proximity card, QR card reader, fingerprint scanner, face recognition device etc. Tripod turnstile Manufacturers & Suppliers India
Used at:

• Access Control- Tripod Turnstiles are used at Airports, Railway stations, offices and gyms to limit access to authorized persons only.

• Ticket Validation- Tripod Turnstiles are used at Metro stations, amusement parks, historical monuments, stadiums and music events etc. for ticket validation.

• Security check at Entry and Exit gates- Tripod Turnstiles are used for security check at Court premises, prisons and high sensitive military facilities.

Why to use Tripod Turnstile:
• At premises with limited space Tripod turnstiles are ideal to use as it takes less space due to its compact design as compared to Flap Barriers, Swing Barriers and Full-Height Turnstiles.

• Tripod Turnstiles are generally less expensive than other types of access control systems like full-height turnstiles or revolving doors.

• Once activated, users can easily pass through, making them user-friendly and efficient in high-traffic environments.

• Due to its sturdy design and Stainless Steel Frame it is very easy to maintain and long lasting.
Bioroles is manufacturer of Tripod Turnstile, Bridge Type Turnstile and P Type Turnstile in India. If you have any query or would like to know more about our Tripod Turnstiles, please feel free to contact us.

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Reference Id:#2539366
Phone Number:01141069993


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