26/05/2022 Business Opportunities, Franchise
In India, trademark registration helps to prevent others from imitating the registered mark and misrepresenting other products with it. If no opposition proceedings were initiated against the said trademark, or if an opposition was filed against the said trademark, the trademark will be registered in India for ten years from the date of filing of the application, and a certificate of registration will be issued. Legalraasta allows you to register your trademark online and includes information on documentation and opposition to trademark filing, as well as how to register a trademark in India and the status of your application, as well as the benefits, symbols, and types of TradeMark in India.
In India, trademark registration helps to prevent others from imitating the registered mark and misrepresenting other products with it. If no oppositi...
Marks&Brands is one of the best trademark registration company in chennai. We offer trademark registration in Chennai&brand registration in ch...
In India, a Private Limited Company stands out as a popular business structure regulated by the Companies Act, 2013. Entrepreneurs aiming to establish...
Digital Fintech Company in India, AEPS White Label, B2B B2C Travel Portal, digital fintech company, B2B Mobile Recharge Software, White Label Solution...
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