29/05/2024 Distance Learning Courses
When we talk about an MBA degree here in India, the first thought that crosses the mind is IIM, so much so that an MBA in India has become synonymous to IIM and for all the right reasons. IIMs offer world class education and almost all of them are the top ranking B-Schools of India. However, this educational excellence is obtained at a very high cost. The fees for an MBA degree at IIMs range from INR 15-25 lakhs.
When we talk about an MBA degree here in India, the first thought that crosses the mind is IIM, so much so that an MBA in India has become synonymous ...
Colleges that fit the financial bill may present challenges that aspiring students should carefully consider before making a commitment. 95% of the co...
Delhi, the city of choices, lures the youth from across the country for higher education. Students studying for graduation have started the entrance p...
The city of NOIDA is adjacent to the national capital of Delhi and lies in the NCR region of India. It is one of the advanced cities for higher educat...
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