28/07/2021 School, College
Yuvabharathi has been ranked as Number 1 in the city - Top CBSE school in Coimbatore- for three years by the EDUWORLD and the school has made it to the prestigious list of Top 50 Schools that have been recognized as ‘Future 50 Schools Shaping Success’. Having established itself as the Best Public School in Coimbatore in its first decade, it is the third time in a row that Yuvabharathi was conferred as one of the Best Schools in India in 2019 and won accolades for excelling in the categories namely Academic Excellence, Co-curricular activities, STEM Education, Happiness Quotient Index School and the Best CBSE School by BrainfeedSchool Excellence Awards.
For more details, Visit - Best CBSE School in Coimbatore @ https://bit.ly/3y6YUHG
Yuvabharathi Public School, Most innovatove Schools in Southindia - Visit @ https://bit.ly/2TDR895
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