Top 5 Largest Private Universities in India by area

08/04/2022 Teaching, Academics & Counselling

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India is a well-known educational destination, providing high-quality education to students from all over the world. There are more than 815 universities in India which include central, state, and private universities. When it comes to education, the country has most likely established itself as a leader among peers for having Best Private Universities in 2021. Talking about the campus size, the list of some largest private universities in India include

G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology - this is one of the top universities in India that covers an area of 10016.29 acres. It is located in Uttarakhand and was established in 1960.

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University - this private university was established in 1970 and is located in Haryana. It covers an area of 8645 acres.

Banaras Hindu University - BHU is located in Varanasi and covers 4000 acres of land with a population of 30,000 students.

University of Hyderabad - this university was established in the year of 1974 and covers an area of 2300 acres of land.

Punjab Agricultural University- it's a state agricultural university that was established in 1962 and owns 1510 acres of land as its main campus.

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