top 10 schools in Bangalore

14/06/2021 School, College

Price: 1.00 ₹


Royal Concorde International School (RCIS) Bangalore, is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education which is top 10 CBSE schools in Bangalore. we have very good facilities and sports where students will enjoy the games and will have a balanced academic life. We will provide students with necessary incentives, as this encourages them for building their skills and development. RCIS is one of the top 10 CBSE schools in Bangalore by providing a plethora of platforms for our students to exhibit their talents and provide necessary incentives for the students to grow and develop their skills and provide an ambiance of learning where students explore in their varied skills. We cultivate in every child the core values of compassion for knowledge and commitment. We have designed an education strategy that can be tailored to an individual’s capability and develop delivery mechanism that identifies and brings out the hidden potential.

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Reference Id:#1715930
Phone Number:08025435459


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