Tiny Kidzee Preschool in Faridabad

26/04/2024 Others related

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Top most preschools in Faridabad are known for providing a refreshing circle for kids learners. With a high concentration on integral growth of kids, Our preschool provides a well-rounded circle that combines academic learning with social, emotional, and physical growth.
The preschool employees are skilled people who are intense about early childhood education. They use ingenious teaching techniques and Preschool in Faridabad proceeds towards seeing that each child takes individual notice and support according to their eccentric circle learning needs.
This preschool is planned to make play-based learning. From colorful rooms equipped with educational materials to outdoor play areas that help to motivate physical activity & social activity, every Point Of the environment is carefully handcrafted to contribute to growth.
The preschool highlights the importance of natural growth such as kindness & strength in kids learners.With various activities children learn important life skills that will work for them well later then their preschool years.
Parents are always active in their child's education journey, with regular play a role in school activities and events. We value the partnership between parents and educators allowing it to play a vital role in supporting children's integral growth.
For contect:
Address: Kidzee Preschool and Daycare
Sector-15A, Near Bikaner
Landmark: Vidya Mandir School

+91 8860661949, +91 9871521527,


Go for more: https://kidzeefaridabadsec15a.com/play-school-daycare/

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Total Views:47
Reference Id:#2277929
Phone Number:09871521527


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