
Do I need personal development? Will it help me live a life of freedom?

Well, it’s no surprise that in our quiet moments with ourselves, we all ponder what else there is to life. Is this the end? Is this the end of it? What happened to our inherent power? Why aren’t our lives considerably more meaningful as the most advanced species on the planet? You were born to be something far greater than you could have dreamed, and the wisest among you will figure out what that is. There is one continuous message, one crucial piece of information that can be found in all the writings of the greatest brains who have ever lived. It’s to ‘Know Thyself’ or ‘Know Yourself’.

Why was it important?

Obviously, there was something important for everyone to know that they already possess.

Because of the way our society is now structured, we are compelled to spend our full attention on the outside world. But the single most important activity that any of us will ever engage in is personal development. You’ll be living in a trance if you don’t have it. You can use it to become a fully conscious being. You will live your life as it was meant to be lived if you are totally conscious. None of us were designed to live our lives solely as consumers, shopping and paying our bills. These actions necessitate less than 1% of your total potential. When you begin your personal development path, you will be astounded by the hidden gems you have within yourself. You’ll also become aware of the dross and restrictions, but because they’re only a little part of who you are, you’ll be able to get past them quickly. It will transport you to a wide range of experiences and assist you in fully appreciating them.


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