The Trap of Toxic Positivity

30/03/2022 Others related

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Who would have thought the word ‘positive’ in itself would have ‘toxic’ as a prefix?

(major eye roll, right?)

What went wrong in the course of preaching positivity that we have to discuss about the toxic side of it today? When did it start becoming a burden to be positive?

The concept might be confusing to grasp as the line is really fine, but toxic positivity is real!

What is Toxic Positivity?
Toxic Positivity is the dreaded cousin of positivity who is found sitting in corners in a family function. Hidden most of the time, hence people have not directly met him. But as soon as you start explaining the appearance, everybody seems to recognise him.

The concept of “good vibes only” appears to be harmless and well-intentioned most of the time. That’s exactly what it is at its essence. However, it ignores any emotions that are unpleasant in any way. Those feelings, on the other hand, must frequently be confronted. It’s time to unpack them. People who are experiencing certain emotions may require assistance in order to cope.

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Reference Id:#1892522


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