The Steps of a Partial Knee Replacement Procedure

16/01/2024 Alternative Treatments

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Partial knee replacement, a surgical intervention designed to address specific areas of knee arthritis, has evolved with technological advancements to provide customized solutions for patients. The intricate steps of a partial knee replacement procedure, highlight the pre-operative preparations and the precision offered by cutting-edge technology.
Pre-Operative Customization: Mapping the Patient's Anatomy:
1. Anatomy Examination: Before the partial knee replacement operation commences, the patient's anatomy undergoes a comprehensive examination. This step is crucial for customizing the implant to fit the unique structure of the patient's knee.
2. Metal Pins as Trackers: To facilitate precise tracking of leg movement during the procedure, small metal pins, known as "trackers" or "arrays," are fitted to the patient's leg. These trackers act as reference points for sensors, ensuring accurate information about leg positioning and motion.
3. CT Image Alignment: The patient's bone structure and anatomy are meticulously examined, and a set of positions is defined to align the joint with the CT image. This alignment is crucial for ensuring that the planned partial knee replacement matches the patient's unique anatomy.
Assessment of Ligament Tension and Knee Mobility:
1. Ligament Tension Evaluation: Through controlled maneuvers, the surgeon assesses the tension in the ligaments around the knee. This step is vital for determining the optimal positioning of the partial knee replacement components and ensuring proper joint function.
2. Contact Locations Recording: The contact locations between the components are recorded, providing valuable data for planning the implant positioning. This data contributes to creating a comprehensive graph and a 3D model depicting how the knee will function post-replacement.
Precision Planning with Robotic Assistance:
1. Graphical Representation: The collected data generates a graphical representation of the knee, showcasing the areas of bone to be removed during the procedure. The bone to be excised is typically highlighted in green.
2. Surgeon's Decision-Making: The surgeon utilizes the 3D model to make informed decisions about the planned component points, optimizing the alignment and fit of the partial knee replacement. This step allows for meticulous planning to enhance the precision of the surgical procedure.
3. Robotic Assistance: With the plan in place, the surgeon relies on robotic assistance during bone removal. The robotic arm restricts movement outside the pre-defined plan, ensuring unparalleled precision and accuracy in executing the partial knee replacement.
Conclusion: Precision Unleashed in Partial Knee Replacement:
The journey through a partial knee replacement procedure showcases the marriage of advanced technology and surgical expertise. From pre-operative customization to meticulous planning facilitated by 3D models and robotic assistance, every step is geared towards achieving precision in motion. Dr. Anoop Jhurani is using technological innovations to perform partial knee replacement Surgery, which are customized solution for individuals suffering from knee arthritis. This procedure promises to enhance functionality and provide an improved quality of life for those who undergo it.

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