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It is transformational to live in the present moment. But, what work is done by the brain to make it learn mindfulness?

When we practise mindfulness or meditation, scientists still don’t have a clear understanding of what actually happens in the brain.If we do not take a break and allow ourselves to press pause, it is naturally going to weigh heavier on the stress side.

Stress increases heart rate and blood pressure in combination with the release of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, weakens immunity and decreases fertility. The state of relaxation, on the other hand, is associated with higher levels of happy chemicals such as serotonin and with the growth hormone that repairs tissue and cells. This state of relaxation is achieved via mindfulness. Relaxation has almost the opposite effect on our body than the stress. Once you remember to be mindful the following health benefits such as- decreased heart rate, improved immunity, and a body that is healthy.

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Reference Id:#1769955


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