
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is income tax deducted from money paid at the time of making payments to the employee like rent, salary, interest, bonus, etc. by the company.

Challan is issued when the taxpayer deposits TDS and TCS.
As per the new tax regime in the Union Budget, 2020. There is an option for individuals and HUF to pay taxes at lower rates without claiming deductions under various sections.

Outsource and Manage TDS: The Importance, Formalities And More
TDS, otherwise known as Tax Deduction at Source, generally refers to the deduction of tax from the salary before an employee gets paid.

Generally, the TDS is calculated before the monthly salary is rolled out. Once the deduction has been carried out, the salary is processed.

This process is very crucial to ensure the accuracy has been maintained through and through.

While TDS processing can be considered through our payroll system - PionHR, certain factors need to be addressed.

The Importance of TDS Processing

TDS is considered a mandatory task for each organization as the deduction of the salary and submitting the tax to the government with the help of the Payroll Outsourcing Services like PionHR need to be carried out before the due date.

However, it has to be done without facing any erroneous issues to avoid penalties from the government. That is why one has to pay extra care towards the fulfillment of the formalities. It is at this time one single boxing payroll systemization such as PionHR can come in handy.

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