01/07/2022 Computer - IT - Webs
The .NET Framework is a strong programming platform created by Microsoft that aids in the building of online applications. All credit goes to Microsoft for developing a robust framework that’s just a boon for businesses. According to a survey, Dot NET technology contributes to the creation of more than 4.30 percent of websites, which account for 58% of all websites.
.NET developers have roles and responsibilities to create applications by using the .NET framework of Microsoft.
What are the skills of the best .NET Developers?
Before you consider hiring a .NET developer, have a look at these skills and whether the .NET developer possesses these skills or not.
MVC Understanding
MVC stands for Model View Controller. MVC is a type of architectural pattern. ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework that implements the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural paradigm. The ASP.NET Mvc is a full rebuild of the Asp.net Forms framework, with no previous ASP.NET Developing Web code reused.
Database understanding
Understanding databases & SQL is critical both for back-end and front-end programmers. It will be useful for not only programming but also testing and bug solving.
SCRUM knowledge
Scrum is a framework for building, delivering, and maintaining diverse products, with a focus on software development. Any software engineer must be able to operate SCRUM and comprehend the principles of Agile development.
Unit testing understanding
unit-testing framework aids in the automation of the unit testing process. Unit testing frameworks are a collection of tools and APIs that enable developers to write and run unit tests. As a programmer, you ought to be acquainted with the frameworks and tools that are suitable for your preferred tech stack.
If you want to achieve success for your business, Inwizards provides the best .NET development services.
Inwizards Software Technology is a leading Software Development Company based in the USA with more than 15 years of experience. Providing the finest IT consulting is our forte and we do it best!
So let’s get started with us!
Feel free to get in touch with us for further discussions and pricing details. Here are our contact details:
Email: info@inwizards.com
Call: USA - +1- (979)-599-0896, IN- +91-9667584436
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