08/04/2022 Language Classes
String is an object that represents a group or a sequence of characters. String is represented as a one-dimensional array of characters and ends with a \0 (null character). String is defined in the same way as the other data types (integer, character). The first step will be to declare a string variable and then assign a value to the variable.
String is an object that represents a group or a sequence of characters. String is represented as a one-dimensional array of characters and ends with ...
Decision making statements allow you to decide the order of execution of specific statements in your program. You can set up a condition and tell the ...
Abstract class is a special type of class which cannot be instantiated and acts as a base class for other classes. Abstract class members marked as ab...
C language supports a rich set of built-in operators. An operator is a special symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logi...
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