
Skin or Tissue tightening is a non-surgical process for skin rejuvenation. A non-invasive process, it tightens and lifts the sagging wrinkled skin. The underlying principle of this procedure is that deep heating of the skin causes the collagen to contract as well as the cells to produce fresh collagen for recuperation. The entire effect lasts for about 4 to 6 months over which continuous collagen regeneration keeps taking place. For facial procedures and depending on the Skin Tightening Treatment area, an improved jaw line definition (less jowl), a more toned central cheek area, and a firmer, less lax neck can be expected. In body tightening procedures with Intragen RF one can expect effective toning of the abdomen and reduction of laxity, toning and narrowing of upper arm or thigh. When we talk about skin tightening, it is more often than not Laser Skin Tightening that we talk of. Laser Skin Tightening is a minimally invasive, non surgical process that uses an infrared monochromatic light source, a Laser which heats the collagen under the skin’s surface, causing it to contract and hence tighten the skin in the process. The logic is that over time with age, the collagen production in our muscles reduces. This causes the muscles and hence the skin to sag. Hence, whatever collagen is already present starts giving in and the sags start happening. This heating activates fibroblasts signaling new collagen to form and existing collagen to tighten over time.

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