Noida: The 16th Global Film Festival Noida, held at Marwah Studios, witnessed a spectacular musical extravaganza organized by the AAFT School of Perfo...
Noida: The 16th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) witnessed a captivating workshop on “Music Video” by the accomplished Author, Filmmaker, Internation...
Noida: The Asian Academy of Film and Television (AAFT) recently played host to an insightful and invigorating acting workshop conducted by the disting...
Noida: The excitement for the 12th Global Festival of Journalism reached new heights as the first poster of the prestigious event was officially launc...
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For multi-location businesses, strategic SEO is paramount. Begin by creating individualized Google My Business listings for each location, ensuring ac...
Make a difference today. Join hands with our NGO in Andhra Pradesh, where every contribution resonates with purpose. By supporting us, you actively pa...
Noida: The Asian Academy of Film and Television (AAFT) was abuzz with excitement as it played host to the exclusive release of the new music video “Ji...
New Delhi: The Centre for Education Growth and Research (CEGR) marked the culmination of its 2023 term with a heartfelt farewell to its esteemed Presi...
New Delhi, 28th December: In a grand ceremony held at the Civil Services Officer’s Institute (CSOI), the much-anticipated seventh edition of the Promi...