Noida: The 16th Global Film Festival at Marwah Studios Noida reached new heights on its third day with a thought-provoking seminar titled “The New Hop...
Noida: The 16th Global Film Festival Noida witnessed a momentous celebration of cinematic brilliance as the Indo Moroccan Film and Cultural Forum, in ...
Noida: The third day of the 16th Global Film Festival witnessed an enlightening workshop on the significance of makeup in cinema, organized by the Sch...
Noida: A captivating film screening from Romania, “The Father Who Moves Mountains,” took center stage at the 16th Global Film Festival Noida, organize...
Noida: The third day of the 16th Global Film Festival Noida witnessed an engaging seminar delving into the “Correlation between literature and cinema....
Experience spiritual solace with ISKCON Dwarka's daily darshan, a visual feast of divine devotion and timeless serenity. Immerse yourself in the uplif...
ISKCON Dwarka extends a helping hand through food donations, ensuring no one goes hungry in our community. Their commitment to compassion and service ...
Noida: The 16th Global Film Festival Noida witnessed a momentous occasion as the Cuban film “Cuentos De Un Dia Mas” received the prestigious Award of ...
NOIDA: The 16th Global Film Festival, hosted by the School of Performing Arts, culminated its second day with a spectacular Bollywood Musical Nite, le...