Scrum Master Training and Certification

30/09/2024 Professional & Short Term Course

Price: 21000.00 ₹


Agile software development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. Scrum is a subset of Agile. It is a lightweight process framework for agile development, and the most widely-used one. A Scrum process is distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practices, divided into the three categories of Roles, Artifacts, and Time Boxes. The three roles defined in Scrum are the ScrumMaster, the Product Owner, and the Team. The people who fulfill these roles work together closely, on a daily basis, to ensure the smooth flow of information and the quick resolution of issues.

WiseLearner’s Scrum Master Training course is a hands-on two-day learning experience consist of equal amount of time divided for theory and practical of concepts. On the second day of training participants prepare product backlog, write user stories, conduct sprint planning, spring, daily scrum meeting, review, retrospective. Entire learning is simulated using LEGO game for optinum learning.

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