02/10/2023 Food Items

Price: 500.00 ₹


Our SVM Exports Hemidesmus Indicus, Sarsaparilla Roots, Anantamul, Kapuri, Asphota, Shyama, Krsodari, Canadana, Gopi, Gopavalli medicine Indian Sarsaparilla holds a reputed place in all systems of medicine in India.
The drug is useful in fever, skin diseases, loss of appetite, syphilis, leucorrhoea and other urinary complaints.
The drug is used largely as the blood purifier and in rheumatism. Pure Ayurvedic Raw Herbs - Hemidesmus Indicus
Indian Sarsaparilla / Anantmul From India Exporter of Herb - Hemidesmus Indicus / Indian Sarsaparilla
Anantmul From india.
Botanical Name : Hemidesmus Indicus
English Name : Indian Sarsaparilla
Common Name : Anantmul
Plant Part : Roots
SVM EXPORTS Moringa Seed, SVM EXPORTS Moringa Leaf, SVM EXPORTS Moringa Leaf Powder, SVM EXPORTS Moringa Tea Cut Leaf, SVM EXPORTS Moringa Seed Oil, SVM EXPORTS Moringa Oil Cake, SVM EXPORTS Bacopa Monnieri, SVM EXPORTS Centella Asiatica, SVM EXPORTS Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis, SVM EXPORTS Papaya Leaves, SVM EXPORTS Vinca Rosea, SVM EXPORTS Mollugo Cerviana, SVM EXPORTS Cissus Quadrangularis, SVM EXPORTS Azadirachta Indica, SVM EXPORTS Jamun Seed, SVM EXPORTS Castor Seed, SVM EXPORTS Cuttlefish Bone, SVM EXPORTS Tribulus Terrestris, SVM EXPORTS Emblica Officinalis, SVM EXPORTS Ocimum Sanctum, SVM EXPORTS Gloriosa Superba, SVM EXPORTS Hemidesmus Indicus SVM EXPORTS, Kapok Buds, SVM EXPORTS Coleus Forskohlii, SVM EXPORTS Gymnema, SVM EXPORTS Passiflora Incarnata, SVM EXPORTS Phyllanthus Amarus, SVM EXPORTS Phyllanthus Niruri, SVM EXPORTS Cassia Alata, SVM EXPORTS Eucalyptus Leaves

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