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With our unwavering commitment to excellence, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the industry. Over the past year alone, we have successfully delivered an impressive 150,000 orders to satisfied customers across the country.

At Salty, we specialize in crafting high-quality jewellery for both men and women. Our exquisite collection showcases a wide range of designs, ensuring that there is something for everyone. From timeless classics to contemporary pieces, we offer jewellery that caters to diverse tastes and preferences.

We prioritize customer satisfaction, which is why we offer a hassle-free return and exchange policy within 7 days of purchase. Additionally, our fast shipping ensures that you receive your order promptly, allowing you to enjoy your new jewellery without delay.

Experience the elegance and craftsmanship of Salty. Shop with us today and elevate your style with our stunning jewellery pieces.

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Cookie Period: 30 Day
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Validation TAT: 30 Days .
Payment terms: 30 Days.
Payout only on successful delivered sales.
Payout is calculated on order amount Inclusive of Taxes and Delivery Charges.
No Payout on App Orders.
Hassle-free return and exchange policy within 7 days of purchase
Brand bidding is strictly prohibited, and any violation will result in a 75% deduction on the first escalation and a 100% deduction on the second escalation.

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Reference Id:#2569173


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