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The salt spray test chambers are made to simulate an aggressive and corrosive environment so the corrosion resistance of coatings and materials can be deemed. These exist in two models: one basic and the other cyclic. Of course, there are numerous possibilities in those two models according to needs. The basic version is just that, and it offers an integrated control panel and a single set-point programmable PID controller, permitting fine temperature regulation for simple test applications. The cyclic version advanced console is a fully programmable console capable of controlling temperature for both the chamber and the saturator and is able to support working with numerous cyclic operations, such as dry and high-humidity cycles. This version also has a minimum of five programmable timers for activating the alarm, so testing procedures are very flexible and precise. Both versions of the salt spray chamber use microprocessor-based technology to make sure their performance is accurate and consistent. Optional control consoles can be incorporated to meet customised requirements of controlling the test to enhance their usability and functionality. Be it for testing simple corrosion resistance or testing under complex environmental conditions, Envisys' salt spray test chambers always promise reliable and quality results.

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Reference Id:#2372999
Phone Number:+91-9958386420


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