Price: 110034.00 ₹


Cultivating crops is a very difficult process and requires much effort, care, and hard work to make it reach its final destination. There are several hurdles in the process right from the beginning, that is, from the seeding stage; one such hurdle is fungus-related diseases that cause seed-borne diseases and hamper the soil of the crop, which affects the growth and efficiency of the fruit, vegetable, or any other crops. To provide protection to your crops right from the beginning and enhance their yield, Geeken Chemicals launched Ribban Plus with the chemical compound Captan, belonging to the Phthalimide group is a broad-spectrum fungicide. It protects against all types of fungal infections.Ribban Plus protects the crops from the fungal infection in both its seeding stage and mature plants. This makes it suitable for being a seed–dresser (high conc. Fertilizer), which controls the seed-borne diseases or soil inhibiting fungi, and as a foliar spray (less conc. Fertilizer spray) to protect the crop from the foliar/fruit diseases.

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Reference Id:#1955432
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