13/03/2024 Volunteers
Join us at Penny Appeal Canada in celebrating the blessed month of Ramadan!
May Allah accept our prayers and good deeds, and may this month bring blessings and peace to all.
Visit our webpage at https://pennyappeal.ca/ramadan/ for more information on how you can make a difference and donate today.
or call us at 1-855-880-4141
Let's #MakeitCount this Ramadan, together!
Join us at Penny Appeal Canada in celebrating the blessed month of Ramadan! May Allah accept our prayers and good deeds, and may this month bring bles...
Your Zakat goes directly to the distributors and beneficiaries – with no administrative fees taken by Penny Appeal Canada.
An unmatched reward. May Allah enter us into Paradise and allow us to be close to our beloved Prophet āmeen! Learn more on how you can sponsor orphans...
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