13/11/2024 Food Items
Want to have a hot meal while travelling by train? Now, you can order food in train with RailRestro at your seat! RailRestro has partnered with top-rated restaurants throughout India to bring you all the amazing options under one roof because nobody can survive on the same food every day, so go for North Indian or South Indian or Chinese, Continental and many more.
Why Choose RailRestro?
Order With Ease: Enter your PNR number on the RailRestro app or website and see food you can order en route.
Hygiene & Quality: Network of restaurant partners are FSSAI-certified that cook fresh hygienic food.
Live: Never again will you ask someone about your train's location with real-time updates available to track yourself from your phone, PNR Status. }}
Payment Flexibility: Decide between online transactions cash on delivery.
How It Works:
PNR check-in– Simply provide your PNR number to see your restaurant choices and menus at the stations you will be arriving at.
Choose & Order – Pick from an extensive range of scrumptious meals & order your meal.
Indulge – Get food delivered right to your train seat!
RailRestro focuses on providing you with healthy, delicious food in train journey at the same time. Download RailRestro app or visit www. railrestro. com.
Play store - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=railrestro.mobile.app&hl=en_IN
Ios - https://apps.apple.com/in/app/railrestro-food-in-train/id1211286459
Want to have a hot meal while travelling by train? Now, you can order food in train with RailRestro at your seat! RailRestro has partnered with top-ra...
Looking for fresh and hygienic food in train? RailRestro is here to serve you! Experience the joy of order food in train and having delicious meals de...
RailRestro app connects passengers with fssai certified premium restaurants, offering a variety of high quality meals. Order food on train for your jo...
Are you looking for the best way to order food in train? Enjoy freshly prepared meals with RajBhog Khana, your trusted partner for train food delivery...
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