Price: 99.00 US$


Bigpond email is a place to completely experience the email service. There is very less email client service which is as reliable as Bigpond email. Not all email clients have the necessary features, proper security over users' stored devices, and other necessary functionalities. But with Bigpond email users will be provided with the total package for users. Now the user will also be able to snooze their email on the Bigpond account. To learn how to do so, follow the given points.
• Users will have to download and install Mailbird and add their Bigpond email detail.
• Next in the email section user will be able to see the snooze alarm icon.
• With that user can get the message later when required.
• Also, the user can right-click on the mail and select Snooze from the option, and select the necessary option.
If there is another such question for Bigpond email then kindly reach out to Technical Support Service.

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Reference Id:#2025448
Phone Number:+61 (1800) 921219


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