09/02/2025 Computer - Multimedia Classes
Beginner Level:
1. Introduction to Python:
* What is Python? Why is it popular?
* Installing Python and setting up an IDE (like VS Code or Jupyter Notebooks).
2. Basic Syntax:
* Variables, data types (int, float, string, etc.), and basic operators.
* Simple input/output with input() and print().
3. Control Flow:
* Conditional statements: if, elif, else.
* Loops: for and while.
4. Functions:
* Creating and calling functions.
* Understanding function arguments and return values.
5. Data Structures:
* Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries.
* How to access, modify, and loop through these data structures.
6. Error Handling:
* Understanding try, except, and catching errors.
7. Modules and Libraries:
* Importing and using built-in Python modules.
* Introduction to libraries like math, random, and datetime.
Intermediate Level:
1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
* Classes, Objects, Methods, and Attributes.
* Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation.
2. File Handling:
* Reading from and writing to text files.
* Working with CSV and JSON files.
3. Comprehensions:
* List, set, and dictionary comprehensions for more concise code.
4. Regular Expressions (Regex):
* Pattern matching and extracting data from strings.
5. Libraries for Data Science:
* Introduction to NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
Advanced Level:
1. Decorators and Generators:
* Creating and using decorators.
* Writing and understanding generators.
2. Concurrency:
* Threads, asyncio, and multiprocessing.
3. Testing:
* Unit testing with unittest or pytest.
4. Advanced Libraries:
* Working with web frameworks (like Flask or Django).
* Using APIs (RESTful APIs, JSON parsing).Beginner Level:
1. Introduction to Python:
* What is Python? Why is it popular?
* Installing Python and setting up an IDE (like VS Code or Jupyter Notebooks).
2. Basic Syntax:
* Variables, data types (int, float, string, etc.), and basic operators.
* Simple input/output with input() and print().
3. Control Flow:
* Conditional statements: if, elif, else.
* Loops: for and while.
4. Functions:
* Creating and calling functions.
* Understanding function arguments and return values.
5. Data Structures:
* Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries.
* How to access, modify, and loop through these data structures.
6. Error Handling:
* Understanding try, except, and catching errors.
7. Modules and Libraries:
* Importing and using built-in Python modules.
* Introduction to libraries like math, random, and datetime.
Intermediate Level:
1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
* Classes, Objects, Methods, and Attributes.
* Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation.
2. File Handling:
* Reading from and writing to text files.
* Working with CSV and JSON files.
3. Comprehensions:
* List, set, and dictionary comprehensions for more concise code.
4. Regular Expressions (Regex):
* Pattern matching and extracting data from strings.
5. Libraries for Data Science:
* Introduction to NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
Advanced Level:
1. Decorators and Generators:
* Creating and using decorators.
* Writing and understanding generators.
2. Concurrency:
* Threads, asyncio, and multiprocessing.
3. Testing:
* Unit testing with unittest or pytest.
4. Advanced Libraries:
* Working with web frameworks (like Flask or Django).
* Using APIs (RESTful APIs, JSON parsing).
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Python is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages, widely used in web development, data science, artificial intelligence, automati...
Join CNT Technologies in Chandigarh for comprehensive Python training and start on your journey to becoming a professional Python developer. Our exper...
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