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It was initially launched on the PC under the name PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. Many publishers around the world have since released it on mobile platforms. Its popularity has grown beyond the PC version’s limits and is expected to reach $8.42 Billion by 2022. It also spawned PUBG Mobile India and New State Mobile.

Both games have similar maps in battle royale mode. However, there are some differences. India has more inventory and skins than PUBG Mobile. It also has a large user base. Battlegrounds Mobile India is preferred by Indian players, who prefer it because it has more skins and outfits. It’s worth noting that PUBG India has a higher popularity in India than its US counterpart. The Indian version is more popular than the international.

Battlegrounds Mobile India is booming. The game has hosted many informal tournaments in India since its July launch. It’s the biggest. PUBG’s new state is a relatively new player in battle royale and is still in development. There is still plenty of time to create a competitive scene. The two games can be compared if you haven’t tried them both.


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